
Safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility.

At PVC, we're committed to providing a safe, secure, caring, positive and stimulating environment, free from discrimination or bullying where everyone is able to learn and develop happily.

All staff receive appropriate training, guidance and support to undertake the effective safeguarding of young people and adults. Any concerns are passed through the designated safeguarding leads within the centre and shared with the learner’s school where relevant.

Parents and carers send their young people to us with the expectation that our Centre provides a safe and secure learning environment. To achieve this, a wide range of measures are in place and our Board of Trustees keep these policies under regular review. They ensure the Centre Manager provides bi-monthly updates on safeguarding as part of their report to Board. The Board of Trustees have also appointed a named board member to oversee safeguarding at PVC.

You can view all our policies in our Policy Library by clicking here.

Our Safeguarding team
Martin Grayston
Martin Grayston

Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Martin Grayston

Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Laura Newing
Laura Newing

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Laura Newing

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Garry Swallows headshot
Gary Swallow

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Gary Swallow

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Sian Elcomb
Useful contacts

If you would like to contact Preston Vocational Centre or an external organisation regarding safeguarding, details can be found below.

  • Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead - Martin Grayston (Centre Manager): 07976 863842
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Laura Newing (Lead Tutor): 01772 880680
  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Gary Swallow (Joinery Tutor): 01772 880680
  • Board Safeguarding Champion - Sian Elcomb: 07828 144774
  • NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
  • Lancashire Safeguarding Children’s Board: 01772 536954
  • Whistleblowing advice line: For anyone concerned about how workplace child protection issues are being handled: 0800 028 0285
  • Childline: 0800 1111